First Presbyterian Church of Dutch Neck

With Christ as our center, we are led by the Holy Spirit to be a dynamic, interactive, innovative church, inspired to reach out to one another, to our community, and to the world.

Our community emphasizes making a joyful noise unto the Lord. Our “passing of the peace” is a pandemonium each week as members enthusiastically greet friends and newcomers. Our pastor preaches thought-provoking sermons. Our adult vocal and hand bell choirs perform challenging music well. Our children’s choirs are led by respected and beloved professionals from our local middle and high schools. Our education classes and committee meetings lead to heartfelt discussions. Our potluck supper programs and deacons’ pancake breakfasts are an occasion for fellowship in the kitchen and at the tables. Our centering prayer practice allows us to hear God’s still, small voice.

We would love to hear your voice in our community!



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